Thursday, November 14, 2013

Synthesis Post

The Grand Finale
All good things must come to an end.

How come my fingers are wet and sticky? What was that thing covered in?! These are a couple of questions one might ask themselves when they grab onto a brand new product, like a car part for example. This wet sticky stuff is oil, and coated the car part, why? To stop rusting and keep this part fresh for a long time. This is done because a material scientist said to make the car part out of some form of steel somewhere along the road. I learned just how important material science is, and why it is a great career choice for me in this blog.
Material science is around everyone all day long, it might not be noticeable, but it is. It’s in our loved cell phones, cars, shoes, houses, and everything else we love to have the luxury of owning. At some point, someone had to make decisions about what materials to use in all of these products. Many breakthroughs in material science aren’t even acknowledge very much, and yet these breakthroughs play a huge part in our lives. Throughout this blog project I’ve found multiple news articles that discussed new discoveries that I never would’ve found out about unless I was searching for them.
        Some websites like Science Daily, MIT, and Phys Org were very helpful in my research. I discovered that a group of MIT professionals discovered steel that was bonding itself when pulled apart, and not actually coming apart. This could be used to stop major structures from breaking down before they even start breaking. Another article talked of magnesium being extracted from the ocean, which could be used in future car production to make stronger, lighter, and more efficient cars. I found this quite interesting and more information can be found in my blog. A recent post of mine talked about a new wood based fiberboard that is currently going from prototype to product that would replace a current wood base fiberboard. The new fiberboard is easily recyclable, while the old fiberboard is not recyclable at all and used in the production of much wooden furniture. This would largely cut down on resources used in the production.
        This blog also exposed why this is a good field for me. I always thought it was but didn’t do enough research to really find out. I got to interview my dad about his experience in the metallurgy field, talk about my work experience that I’ve had already in this field, and find out the traits that it takes to do this job. A person must be very persistent in order to be successful in this profession. Many times when you’re trying to figure something out it won’t go as planned, and you have to be able to stay calm. Luckily, I’ve developed these traits as I’ve gotten older, and can only imagine that they will continue to grow as I do.
This field is something that is involved in everyone’s daily lives, and most people don’t even know it. No one that I know wonders, “Hm, I wonder why they chose to make this piece of drywall this way?” Drywall is a lame example, but it gets my point across. For someone like me who wonders how something is made, or what it is made of this is a great profession. It also can be very applicable to anyone who wants to try and improve on products, since at any point in time a material scientist has potential to create a totally new material, even if it is by accident!

"New recyclable MDF could help solve UK waste problem." Phys Org. 1 Nov 2013. Web. 2 Nov. 2013.

Chandler, David. "Cracked Metal Heal Thyself." MIT. MIT, October 9, 2013. Web. 18 October 2013.

"Fuel-Efficient cars, planes cheaper with magnesium drawn from ocean." Phys. Pacific                      Northwest National  Labratory, September 20, 2013. Web. 22 September 2013.

Week of 11/7: Free Post

Week of 11/7: Free Post
Plastics as Strong than Metal?!

I'm sorry to say this, but this will be my last free post for my blog. All that is left after this is an overview about everything I learned from my blog. For the final blog, I decided to look up the top material science news of 2012. At number 2 was an article titled, "Plastics as Strong as Metals." This caught my attention instantly, especially since I want to focus on the metallurgic side of material science.

A researcher from Tel Aviv University is currently working on an environmentally friendly plastics that are stronger than any plastics that we currently have available. Landfills are currently filling up an incredibly fast with non-biodegradable plastics which could be a huge issue. It is projected that by 2020, there will be 200 million tons of plastics consumed each year, so a biodegradable plastic is greatly needed. This new plastic could potentially replace some metal parts that are currently used in everyday products. For example, they could replace some parts in cars where applicable. Plastics take less energy to produce, weigh less, and therefore more cost effective. These parts would require less maintenance and last even longer!

If new plastic like this is produced, it could change the world. It might also have some type of influence on what division of material science I choose to major in. If this actually pulls through, then it could have a devastating effect on the metallurgic manufacturing industry. However, an entire new industry would emerge, and I could have potential to emerge in this new industry.

 Elsevier. "Plastics as Strong as Steel." Materials Today. 11 Jun 2012. Web.           14 Nov. 2013.

Metals. Photograph. Chaparral Technologies, 2009. Fort Worth, TX. Web. 9        Nov 2013.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week of 11/7: A professional remix

Week of 11/7:  Remix of my Field 

For this weeks post I was asked to find a remix and preform a RAIDS analysis on it done by a professional in my field. After searching the web I didn't find anything done by a professional exactly, but I found a portal on a government website that is full of information on material science. It is on the website, which stands for National Institute of Standards and Technology. 

REVISION- This website revises all parts of material science. There are separate tabs for all divisions of material science. For example, there are tabs for biomaterials, ceramics, metals, inorganic materials, polymers and multiple others. Each provides the reader with information on the sub field and many recent news articles that a reader could find interesting. It can make people rethink the complexity of everyday materials.

INVENTION- This website uses many news articles to get their point across. There is also a video playlist section so if the audience doesn't feel like reading they are able to just watch a simple video to explain the subject. The website talks about current programs going on within the government organization that deals with material science.

ARRANGEMENT- It is arranged in a way that will appeal to anyone that is interested in material science. At the top of the page there is a short description about material science. There are a list of subject like I said above, and then many different news articles. The headings use bold colors that contrast well compared to the background so they are easily read. It gives programs, equipment, and current software that is being used in material science. 

DELIVERY- Clearly this is a webpage. But they also use videos and a few pictures to get their message across. It has many links that lead to more information on material science for an interested viewer.

STYLE- The website is a mix of informal and formal. There are some terms that the average person wouldn't understand, but there are also many links with just a few words. It is all separated in a neat fashion for quick navigation. It is a good layout for a website, and may influence how I do my remix on material science.

"Material Science Portal." NIST. U.S. Department of Commerce, 7 Nov 2013.            Web. 8 Nov 2013.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week of 10/31: Free Post

Week of 10/31: Free Post
The Most Important Moments in Material Science

Hello there readers! For this free post today I thought it'd be interesting to list some of the most important breakthroughs in material science. I found a website that ranks their top 50, so I figured I'd list off the first few for you guys. These breakthroughs led to many of the products we know and love today.

1. Egyptians Smelt Iron- 3500 B.C.
This is a major breakthrough since it is the first metallurgic smelting, and it unlocked the first processing secret of metals.

2. Invention of the Transistor- 1948
This was the start of modern technology. It was the building block of computer chips and computer technology, which is huge.

3. Glass is Invented- 2200 B.C.
This was done by the people of northwestern Iran. It was a huge non-metallurgic discovery which obviously lead to many new discoveries and is still used today.

These were only 3 of the major discoveries in material science. The point of this was to show people that even thousands of years ago, material science was a big deal and leads to many of the innovations humans love to have at their disposal. I believe the world would be a completely different place if it was never for the original material scientists that made these discoveries. 

"Top 50 moments in Material Science History." The Minerals, Metals, and              Materials Society. TMS, 2006. Web. 3 Nov 2013.

Week of 10/31: Importance of Material Science

The Importance of Material Science

Hello fellow scientists! For this week I will be finding a news article that discusses the importance of material science. Just by reading through my blog though, you could find the importance of material science. They contribute to how and what almost everything is made from. They determine what cars are made out of, what individuals parts are made, and how to make everything more cost/environmentally friendly. The world continues to grow more and more advance, and therefore we need more advanced materials to satisfy the needs of us humans. They can solve problems, or stop them from ever happening in the first place. 

The article I found this week talks about recycling in the U.K. It talks of a new product that is recyclable and can take the place of a material known as medium density fiberboard, which is a cheap wood product that is used in the creation of furniture and such. About 1 million tonnes are wasted every year since it cannot be recycled. However, this new material is a wood based material that is made from natural sources, which would allow it to be easily recyclable. This breakthrough was found by Professor Abbott and his team at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Leicester.

It's the discoveries like these that make material science an important field to study. The majority of people will have no idea their new furniture is made from this new material, and yet just by buying it they are helping to preserve the earth's resources. Most of the innovations that are found by material scientists will not be advertised widely, but they are still all very important to sustaining prominent life on this planet. 

"New recyclable MDF could help solve UK waste problem." Phys Org. 1 Nov            2013. Web. 2 Nov. 2013.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Week of 10/24: Free Post
Making Rubber from Dandelion Juice?!?!

I was reading through some material science news articles today when I seen one title that popped out. It said "Making Rubber from Dandelion Juice." I had to check this out, since it seemed pretty funky to me.This means dandelions could be used for something more than turning everything yellow, which would be pretty awesome in my eyes.

According to the article, it would be a rather difficult process, but still possible! Engineers are currently building the first pilot extraction system to actually pull rubber out of this juice to make tires. It officially started in Europe at the beginning of October. Here are the goals of this pilot:

1. To have a production process in 5 years
2. To be more cost effective than conventional rubber extraction
3. To be more durable than rubber trees

These are just a few goals. Another benefit will be that dandelions can be grown quickly and in very large quantities. Since it's a weed, they are lest vulnerable to pests.

I think this could be a very cool development, and from the sound of it it will happen. It currently is going on in Germany, but it could still benefit us Americans. Maybe we could adapt this process one day and make us less dependent on raw material imports.

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. "Making rubber from dandelion juice." ScienceDaily, 28 Oct. 2013.            Web. 28 Oct. 2013.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week of 10/24: Hands on work

Week of 10/24: Hands on Work in My Field

This is one of the furnaces I got to work with
Hello again, for this week I was asked to go and do something "hands on" in my field and then report my experience. Luckily for me, I have already had hands on experience in my field. In the summer I worked for my dad, usually just as a manual laborer, but I also got the opportunity to work with some of the more in depth material around the shop. 

I was allowed to work with furnaces, like the one shown on the right, to see the more in depth processes of heat treating. In case you haven't seen some of my other posts, heat treating is the process of heating and cooling steel to strengthen it, relieve the stress in steel, or to make steel rust resistant. In modern times, the furnaces are almost completely ran by computer. However, I still got to see the recipes put into the computer, and was able to learn about the entire process about how they work. These furnaces work in a unique fashion, that is used only by this heat treating company. I learned all about the mechanics, and the chemistry that goes into it. This type of work has always interested me. 

Whenever I consider studying something else, I cannot think of another field that sparks my interest as much as metallurgy. I find all of the fascinating and love that I was given the opportunity to start work in this field at a young age.